staircase Glenlyon Renovation

Unique building materials make a home stand out from the rest and allow you to bring your modern vision to life. Our experienced team of custom home builders utilise the very best materials to ensure that each home we deliver has that same high-quality standard we pride ourselves on.

As well as ensuring quality, our team is constantly searching for unique building materials. Unique materials give your dream home an edge and distinguish it from traditional homes while creating a finished result that is both sustainable and beautiful.

Smart Glass

It seems that nowadays, everything is heading towards becoming ‘smart’. You deserve a house that is just as smart as the latest tech products because after all, the house of your dreams should be a reflection of the people inside: smart and modern.

There is a unique building material known as smart glass that is being utilised in an increasing number of modern homes across Brisbane and the Gold Coast.

The technology behind smart glass alters the amount of light that can be transmitted through typically transparent products. By using smart glass, these materials can be altered to appear translucent, transparent or opaque, offering you more control over your home whilst adding a touch of luxury and a modern aesthetic.

Smart glass is propelling traditional building materials into the modern age and ensuring that custom home builders are able to create their dream space, simply at the click of a button.

Engineered Wood

When building materials are mentioned, wood is one of those products that immediately springs to mind. For centuries, this popular building material has been utilised in homes across the world.

However, as more and more homes are being built, the supply of wood is being depleted rapidly. Engineered wood was created as a sustainable choice compared to wood and has now created a niche in the building industry, becoming a popular alternative to traditional wood materials.

Engineered wood can be transformed into any part of your ideal home, from furniture pieces to wall panels. This unique building material allows custom home builders increased flexibility regarding design, aesthetic and application of their space.

Plywood, blockboard, MDF board and particleboard are all common examples of engineered wood that may be implemented into custom home builds or renovation projects and it’s not hard to see why. Any opportunity to ensure that your ideal home is not only luxurious but sustainable is an exciting one.

Rammed Earth

Designers and builders around the world have come to recognise the importance of using sustainable building materials. As a result, it’s not surprising that rammed earth is making its way back into popularity, being used in a variety of construction projects, from custom home builds, to renovations.

In South East Queensland, and throughout Australia, rammed earth construction typically refers to stabilised rammed earth (SRE). This sustainable building material is basically a mixture of different products, whilst also including cement, water and waterproofing.

The reason that rammed earth is becoming a popular choice for custom home builders is due to the strength, durability, no maintenance, fire resistance and sound insulation that it offers. Of course, we can’t forget about the natural beauty that it lends to all builds it is used in.

The country we live in can be prone to natural disasters, including bushfires and heat waves and so, rammed earth is a great, low-energy material to protect your home from these events.

Earth doesn’t burn which indicates that using rammed earth as a building material is a smart choice. Australia is the land of incredible raw beauty so it’s fitting to use sustainable, unique materials that reflect the landscape of this stunning nation.


The use of bamboo as a building material has been a well-known fact for centuries. However, with houses becoming more modern and having to be constructed for a range of uses, bamboo has become an innovative resource with many different ways it can be implemented into houses.

Not only is bamboo being used for structural purposes, modern-day homes are using bamboo for decoration, to enhance their creativity and vision for the house. Perhaps the aspect of bamboo that makes it so attractive is that it’s a renewable resource, vital for designers and builders.

While people may view bamboo as being a fragile material, be cautious of not making the same assumption. It has been used for many years to create strong structures across the world. When added to a custom home build or renovation, bamboo brings a sense of warmth and creativity to any building’s interior or exterior.


Choosing the right materials for your custom floor is a difficult task — it’s used daily, so it must look luxurious and modern, whilst also being able to withstand the daily wear and tear of everyday use. It’s a tall ask from any material but it seems to be that terrazzo is more than up for the job.

Whilst the word probably sounds familiar, and the sight of terrazzo will definitely be one that you recognise, the materials used and the benefits of terrazzo may be unfamiliar to you. Terrazzo is a mix of stone, glass, marble or even metal chips in a cement-based mixture that is being used more and more frequently as an alternative to other trendy options like polished concrete. This is because terrazzo can be seamlessly laid onto the floor in slabs or as tiles, and looks effortlessly elegant at the same time.


Another unique building material that more and more modern home builders are using to bring their vision to life is aluminium. Implementing interlocking aluminium cladding cassette panels into the exterior elements of modern luxury homes create a unique, distinctive feel.

The reason that aluminium is such a distinct building material is that it holds its shape really well, delivers a beautifully smooth finish, and is a low maintenance material, making it a great fit for any modern home.

Building your dream home with dream materials

We challenge ourselves to not just settle for normal, traditional building materials. In a fast-paced, modern society that is pivoting its focus to smart, sustainable practices, we take great pride in saying that we are doing the same. You can trust us as your luxury custom home or home renovation builder team to bring your vision to life. With extensive experience in building your beautiful home that suits your lifestyle.

After all, a home is only as unique as the designers and builders behind it. We work alongside you to ensure that your home is timeless and elegant and of course, created with the perfect materials. Get in touch with us today to discuss your dream home.

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